Exclusively serving the New Home Industry since 1971.

The Leader in New Home Mystery Shops

Personnel Profiles is the original mystery shopping company to work exclusively with new home builders.
We help you maximize your sales training program by professionally evaluating your sales team.

Our Mission: To provide each Sales Representative with every opportunity to do his or her best,
then return a fair, objective analysis of sales skills.

Trusted by new home builders for over 50 years.

Personnel Profiles has been evaluating new home sales professionals since 1971. We know how important a visit to your model center is for new home sales. Our first step is an onsite meeting with your sales associate, capturing all aspects of the sales presentation through an audio and/or video recording.

Designed to improve the performance skills of your sales staff by individual and comparision analysis to industry standards

Our evaluations are thorough and based on years of experience evaluating thousands of new home associates for builders, developers and new home management companies. Cost and services are based on the individual client’s needs.

Hire an experienced evaluation team

Our shoppers are the best, but they don’t have the expertise to evaluate a seasoned professional. Our experienced Personnel Profiles team manages every step of your project. A personal account manager and scheduler select the best shopper to fit your buyer profile. Our trained evaluators score the report – not the shopper. A quality control review and an executive make sure that every shop meets our stringent guidelines and mission statement.

Watch your Sales Reps in Action!

Click below for sample videos.

Providing reports detailing the strengths and weaknesses of sales associates

What to Expect: Case Studies

Target/Single Venue Survey

Case Study 1 

Task: Pat owned six communities in the Salt Lake City market.  His marketing budget did not allow for sales trainers and the like, yet he had to compete with the big nationals at every level.

Analyzing the Shop Score

Case Study 2 

Task: A top division sales manager with a Fortune 500 home builder, Cecilia’s sales team consisted of 32 sales reps of all ages and experience, bustling about the major metro area.

Improved Performance through Evaluation

Case Study 3 

Task: James, the sales and marketing manager for a regional home builder, was tasked to determine his marketing costs in order to budget expansion


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Personnel Profiles

New Home Mystery Shop

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Personnel Profiles, Inc. has specialized new home mystery shops for more than 50 years. During that time, the company has streamlined its processes to provide the highest quality evaluations and we work closely with our clients to customize the shop report to your unique community needs.
Personnel Profiles has a large shopper network with national market coverage.


© New Home Mystery Shops, Inc.
© Personnel Profiles, Inc.
All rights reserved.