Improved Performance through Evaluation

Improved Performance through Evaluation

Task: Pat owned six communities in the Salt Lake City market.  His marketing budget did not allow for sales trainers and the like, yet he had to compete with the big nationals at every level.   Action: We went Old School.  We recommended that Pat...
Analyzing the Shop Score

Analyzing the Shop Score

#2  Analyzing the Shop Score Task: A top division sales manager with a Fortune 500 home builder, Cecilia’s sales team consisted of 32 sales reps of all ages and experience, bustling about the major metro area.  She was providing her team with all the...
Target/Single Venue Survey

Target/Single Venue Survey

Task: James, the sales and marketing manager for a regional home builder, was tasked to determine his marketing costs in order to budget expansion for a three-community, master plan development the next year.  A portion of the report required a breakdown of CPL...